Landslide Risk Assessment

Slope stability report - Council landslide Investigations - Landslide Risk Assessments

Landslide Risk Assessment

When a slope is modified through cut and fill, retaining walls or driveways it alters the natural equilibrium in the soil. If not accounted for these alterations can cause landslides, slip circles and settlement. The ground movement caused by these slope failures can severely damage new and existing structures.

A landslide risk assessment is an investigation used to determine the risk of slope failure and the suitability of new developments and structures. Landslide investigations involve a site inspection focused on identifying signs of distress, such as ground movement, cracking, bent trees and erosion. Borehole drilling and laboratory testing determine the likelihood of a landslide based on the soil type. Observations of the surrounding slopes and a historical review of previously recorded landslides is included in the landslide report.

The likelihood of a landslide is calculated from three factors, the likely severity, extent and consequence of a landslide. Broadcrest landslide risk assessments are performed in accordance with local council requirements and the Australian Geomechanical Societies’ Landslide Risk Management (2007).

Broadcrest uses a combination of numerical and Finite Element software to model the conditions and assess the likelihood of slope failure. For a quote for your project use the contact form below.

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